Why Am I Still Single?

Sunday, 6 February 2011 Leave a Comment

Its coming up to Valentines Day, and to be quite frank the further away it is from Valentines Day the less I care. But when the days draw closer towards it, it makes me think what I'm going to do for it. Its a average day for me... However, if I know I'm going to be spending it alone and a large amount of my friends have plans you start to think about how lonely living alone or not being in a relationship can be.

I pretty much get on with it, it doesn't bother me living on my own, if anything I enjoy the space. A friend of mine said to me that I should get a cat or go through my little black book (not that I have one) but when I'm single it only makes me wonder why.

I've recently just moved into my new flat, I've been doing everything on my on... I am putting the word DIY to the test. So yesterday when some friends came round, I was talking about what I've done so far... Ripped my bathroom out, put in a new toilet, new sink, laid the tiles myself, grouted, painted, sanded, wallpapered, plastered, making my curtains *deep breath* I've done or doing it on my own. I don't feel I necessarily need someone around for me to do that with.

Whenever I have friends round I try my best to make them feel comfortable, ill feed them if they're hungry, give them a drink if they're thirsty and if its too late or they're tired they are welcome to stay. I like to think of myself as an accommodating person. So why am I still single? And I'm only posing this question because an ex of mine pretty much popped up a week ago and turned up at my house yesterday night after my friends had left (extremely random) and asked me. We had a good catch up and he said to me (his words not mine) "your a good catch, why are you still single?"... Now I thought it was quite funny coming from someone I used to go out with, but he mentioned all these things to me that I used to do for him. He goes " I remember you used to come to my house everyday to clean and cook for me, that's a good quality in a women so why are you single?". Not that I could say anything back to that but when I think back I've always done that without thought, its just standard routine right?

Now I date people, go out, socialise but I can't help thinking why I'm single. I don't think I'm fussy... Here's my checklist (obviously I don't physically tick it off):

I like a guy that has a backbone doesn't piss about and uses his own common sense. I don't like guys that floats along its a total turn off and someone who doesn't ask silly questions *laughs* but I like a guy that takes control and tells me where we are going to eat, and orders for me rather than asks me (However that's just my preference lol.)... But most of all someone that just gets on with it, someone I know that can support and drive themselves to where they want to go.

Other than that I'm not or don't think I'm fussy, I like what everyone else likes decent company, going out to eat and talking...

Now... Currently I'm in this predicament where I do actually like this guy. But I'm not sure what to do about it. Am I still single because of me... Or them...?


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